Kelowna first aid

Victim of cardiac arrest saved with quick use of AED

When a man went into cardiac arrest, he was thankful he was at a south shore CLSC. When Pierre Lachapelle suffered a cardiac arrest, it required 8 shocks from a defibrillator followed by a shot of adrenalin before he came back to life.

On the right spot

On Monday, he went back to gratefully thank the people who brought him back to life. Lachapelle who had no history of heart issues took his granddaughter to the St-Hubert SLSC for an appointment.

While in the waiting room, he suffered a heart attack and his heart ceased to beat. With the assistance of the nursing staff at the CLSC, a team from the Longueuil police and paramedics of the Cooperative de techniciens ambulanciers de la Monteregie, his heart was restarted and his breathing was restored right in front of his granddaughter Alicia.

Kelowna first aid
Since accidents or unforeseen events occur without any warning, enrolling in a first aid course is an advantage.

According to paramedic Christian Fleury, it is their objective to bring a patient back to life, awake and alert but it is rare to see the patients.

Importance of first aid

Since accidents or unforeseen events occur without any warning, enrolling in a first aid course is an advantage. A course will provide you with the skills and knowledge on how to help care for minor injuries or even during emergencies.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a class on CPR and AED and for more information, check out these sources:

Serving Kelowna and interior British Columbia with the lowest priced, least canceled and highest quality first aid courses, food safe and CPR training since 2014 with a commitment to make the community safer.

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