Police will haunt your Halloween if health measures are not respected

The 2020 Halloween party will not quite like the previous ones. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the harvest of sweet treats hauled in by thousands of children will take on special significance before a cold season without family or friendly gatherings that promises to be lengthy.

Even though Premier Francois Legault and Quebec director of public health Horacio Arruda gave the green light to trick-or-treating, the event will be marked by respecting the health measure instructions to avoid further spread of COVID-19.

Police services across the province quickly adjusted their instructions to make the event safer, as in Sherbrooke, where it is recommended to limit the trick-or-treating circuit to its residential area, between 4:30 PM and 8:30 PM, without entering any houses and respecting a distance of two meters with other families.

Collected treats should be quarantined for at least 24 hours before consumption.

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At the Trois-Rivieres Police Department (DPTR), the instructions are similar without specifying the trick-or-treating time or the ban on singing. Children are, however, advised to wear a face mask.

The Quebec government poster that accompanied the Sherbrooke police’s news release also asked children to refrain from singing near others.

At the Trois-Rivieres Police Department (DPTR), the instructions are similar without specifying the trick-or-treating time or the ban on singing. Children are, however, advised to wear a face mask.

DPTR police will also be visible to encourage motorists to slow down, but also to remind families of the health instructions who have chosen to make an outing.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workplaces and school admissions or the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.




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