London councilors enact face mask bylaw

London city councilors enacted a mandatory face mask bylaw that will require anyone entering any public establishment to wear a face mask or covering that covers the nose, mouth, and chin.

The bylaw was first brought forward at Monday night’s Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee meeting after a discussion with London’s chief medical officer of health who encouraged councilors to take action.

London city councilors enacted a mandatory face mask bylaw that will require anyone entering any public establishment to wear a face mask or covering

Van Holst was the only councilor to vote “no” once again as the councilors passed the bylaw. He argued reasons for this refusal to vote “yes” which included London-Middlesex’s Stage 3 status, suggesting that a mandatory face mask bylaw could violate freedom.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workplaces and school admissions or the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.

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