Kelowna first aid

Face mask essentials: The dos and don’ts

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread all over the globe, there are several essential considerations to bear in mind to stay safe.

Face mask dos

Wear a mask while out in the public

Public officials have suggested the use of homemade face masks when out in public, especially when physical distancing is difficult to observe such as in grocery stores and on public transport.

The objective is to protect others around the wearer since there is proof that the virus can spread among asymptomatic individuals or those who do not have any symptoms of COVID-19.

Use face masks made out of tightly-woven materials

Homemade face masks that are made out of tightly-woven material fabric such as linen or cloth are more effective at preventing the spread of the virus.

The masks must be made of at least two layers of fabric. The masks will be even more beneficial if a paper towel or coffee filter is inserted between a sewn-in pocket on the mask.

Kelowna first aid
Public officials have suggested the use of homemade face masks when out in public, especially when physical distancing is difficult to observe such as in grocery stores and on public transport.

Use a face mask that snugly fits

Homemade face masks must be large enough to fully cover the nose and mouth of the wearer without gaping. The masks must fit securely to the head and the sides of the face with loops or ties over the ears, but still allow normal breathing.

Wash the face masks regularly

The homemade face masks must be machine-washed regularly in a hot cycle. Nevertheless, for the masks to be effective, it should not lose its shape even after washing and drying. In case the mask loses its shape, the wearer must use another one with materials that will not end up distorted after a washing cycle.

Face mask don’ts

Do not adjust the mask or touch it often

The homemade face masks must be comfortable when worn so that the wearer is not urged to frequently adjust or touch it. The wearer might infect themselves with the virus if their hands continuously touch their face to adjust the mask.

Do not share your face mask

Homemade face masks should be made for individual use and not shared with others, not even among those in the same household. The masks must not be reused by the original wearer if they become dirty or damp.

Do not put a face mask on a child below 2 years old

Children below the age of two should not wear homemade face masks. The face masks should not also be worn by those who have difficulty breathing or difficulty removing one without assistance.

Do not substitute a mask for other precautions

Although the homemade face masks can help in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus in communities, they should not be used as an alternative for other preventive measures such as hand-washing and physical distancing. No mask will replace physical distancing.


Learn how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workplaces and school admissions or check the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.

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