Kelowna first aid

Masks recommended on the transit system

Bus fares are now back in effect on the transit system as more people return to work and school, following months of significant financial losses for TransLink.

TransLink expects the bus fares to bring in an estimated $2 million a month, although this depends on the ridership levels. The company has lost around $75 million every month in revenues during the pandemic.

The buses will have more room with seat closures removed that were initially in place to enforce spacing restrictions. In a news release, TransLink stated that with the ridership increasing by more than 30% over the past month, the demand cannot be met with the current seating arrangements. The drivers will stop taking passengers once the bus is two-thirds full.

Kelowna first aid
The Vancouver transit security workers already have masks but want more protection from droplets as they come in close contact with people.

According to MoveUP vice-president of combined units, the Vancouver transit security workers already have masks but want more protection from droplets as they come in close contact with people.

Bus riders can board by the front doors again. Plexiglass and vinyl barriers have been installed to protect the drivers. People are being asked to take advantage of the seats whenever possible, so drivers can get a better assessment of whether a vehicle is close to the limit for boarding.

The buses are treated with a disinfectant spray twice a week, along with the daily cleaning routine.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workplaces and school admissions or check out our available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.

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