Leaving your nose hanging out of your mask could spread COVID

Rule breakers could be fined $1,000 per ticketed offense and up to $100,000 through courts. Albertans who ignore the public health recommendations and the law by wandering around indoor spaces like grocery stores with noses hanging out above their masks can potentially spread COVID-19.

Some are blatant scofflaws who refuse to follow health laws set out to protect the public in a province that has had more active new cases, more total cases, and the highest rate of infection of all provinces on many days in recent weeks.

If your mask is slipping down or not covering your nose, you are putting yourself and others in danger according to medical experts.

On December 8, masks would be mandatory throughout the province in all indoor workplaces and facilities outside the home, with some exceptions. Until then, Alberta had been the only province without a provincial mask mandate.

Kelowna first aid
If your mask is slipping down or not covering your nose, you are putting yourself and others in danger according to medical experts.

Under provincial law, the mask must cover your nose, mouth, and chin at all times. Police and bylaw officers can fine those who break the restrictions $1,000 per ticketed offense and up to $100,000 through the courts.

Enforcement against those flouting the public health regulations has recently been boosted with tickets handed out in places like Calgary and Edmonton.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn more about face masks and how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workspaces and schools or the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page

Our courses maintain social distancing measures with reduced class sizes to maintain the minimum 2 meters apart along with the mandatory use of face masks and regular temperature checks. The venue of the courses undergo regular, enhanced cleaning and disinfection routines. 

For more information about face masks, check out these sources:




Serving Kelowna and interior British Columbia with the lowest priced, least canceled and highest quality first aid courses, food safe and CPR training since 2014 with a commitment to make the community safer.

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