
Hockey P.E.I. hearing complaints of spectators not wearing masks

Hockey P.E.I. stated that has fielded several complaints about spectators not wearing masks, which violates its pandemic protocols.

The organization issued a memo to its members last week stating, “some members are not following Hockey P.E.I.’s Return to Play Guidelines and Protocols,” and reminding them that “face masks are mandatory at all times within the spectator cohort.”

Hockey P.E.I. also requires coaches to wear masks, and players to wear them everywhere but out on the ice.

At every event sanctioned by the organization, volunteers are set up at arena entrances to record the names of everyone entering, and to ensure they are wearing face masks. But Executive Director Connor Cameron stated that has not stopped some from taking them off once they’re inside.

Cameron stated that while the provincial government has not made mask-wearing mandatory indoors, Hockey P.E.I. thought it was important to ensure players do not have their season cut short by the pandemic.

Kelowna first aid
Hockey P.E.I. also requires coaches to wear masks, and players to wear them everywhere but out on the ice.

Cameron shared that there may have been some initial confusion over the rules, particularly in areas that do not have their own mask policies.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn more about face masks and how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workspaces and schools or the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page

Our courses maintain social distancing measures with reduced class sizes to maintain the minimum 2 meters apart along with the mandatory use of face masks and regular temperature checks. The venue of the courses undergo regular, enhanced cleaning and disinfection routines. 

For more information about face masks, check out these sources:

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