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Do not take your mask anger out on cashiers

The city’s health unit is pleading with the public not to take out any displeasure with the mandatory mask rule on store cashiers and other employees.

According to the Ottawa Public Health, the mandatory masks were not ordered by the cashier at your grocery store. Any feedback should be directed to the office, not at businesses and employees. Just like face masks, civility and respect are required in public places. The masks became mandatory in indoor public spaces in the city of Ottawa.

In a statement, Ottawa Public Health stated that it has not received any formal complaints about outbursts toward store employees but the health unit pays close attention to the narratives posted on social media by members of the community.

Kelowna first aid
The masks became mandatory in indoor public spaces in the city of Ottawa.

The Ottawa Police did not share whether they had received many complaints about people directing anger toward store employees about having to wear masks.

In other jurisdictions, confrontations regarding mask use have been caught on camera and spread widely.  

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workplaces and school admissions or check the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.

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