Can you be fined for not wearing a face mask or covering in London?

A mandatory face mask bylaw passed by city councilors in London, Ontario comes with some hefty penalties for those who do not follow the rules. Nevertheless, it seems unlikely that the city will be issuing fines any time soon.

The bylaw requires anyone entering any public establishment to wear a face mask or covering – which covers the nose, mouth, and chin. This is an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

The mandatory face mask bylaw excludes children below 12 years of age as well as individuals with medical conditions or challenges that inhibits their ability to wear a face covering. Those who are unable to apply or remove a face covering on their own are also exempted from the new rule.

The council also added an exemption to allow “celebrants and attendees at religious services such as priests, to remove their masks for the purposes of reading prayers and rituals that require an uncovered mouth to observe the requirements of the ceremony.

The bylaw requires anyone entering any public establishment to wear a face mask or covering – which covers the nose, mouth, and chin.

While the bylaw could issue a $500 fine for infractions, the head of the city’s bylaw department states that the city first needs the approval to issue fines.


Learn how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workplaces and school admissions or the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.

For more information about this story, click here.

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