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Avoid challenging hikes and climbs during COVID-19 pandemic

The BC Search and Rescue Association urges the public to avoid challenging hikes and climbs during the pandemic. Members of search and rescue organizations in British Columbia have not seen the number of calls go down, despite the stay-at-home recommendations from officials.

The number of rescues has not gone down at all according to a senior manager with the BC Search and Rescue Association. The streets are empty these days but it is a different story in the backcountry.

The SAR crews are now telling people to go outside if needed but consider who else you put in danger if you get hurt or lost. When the crews are called out, it brings 20 to 30 members together. This will force members into a vulnerable position by having to work in a large group to carry out a rescue.

According to the executive director of Adventure Smart BC, this is not the right time to push your recreation limits. People should not use the extra time off from work to tackle a big climb or hike.

Kelowna first aid
SAR groups have a limited number of masks and other personal protective equipment available to them to use if they are put into a position where they need to help an individual who has COVID-19 symptoms.

SAR groups have a limited number of masks and other personal protective equipment available to them to use if they are put into a position where they need to help an individual who has COVID-19 symptoms. Just like with other organizations around the world, SAR teams are not short on N95 respirator masks which is the most effective in filtering out airborne particles.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workplaces and school admissions or check the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.

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